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5 Signs a Passed Loved One is Trying to Contact You by Psychic Raquel

Date 10/21/2019

Loved ones have a variety of ways they make contact from the other side.

Loved ones have a variety of ways they make contact from the other side.

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The loss of a loved one can be a very traumatic time. It’s not only hard on the person who is crossing over, but for those left behind to grieve. It can be a confusing time for both parties. How do we know when they attempt to contact their loved ones from the other side? How do we know they are truly ok?

I now present five ways in which the dearly departed attempt to contact us from beyond the veil, besides the full bodied or partial appearance.

1: The Presence 
Being able to sense a spirit is not just left up to us mediums. When a spirit wants to make their presence known, they will. Some people will feel as though they are being watched, or as if they are not the only person in an empty room. The feeling is not that of fear, but of knowing that you are not alone. 

The feeling can also be accompanied by a smell. The smell can be that of their favorite perfume, cigarette or cigar smoke, campfire smell, hairspray, or any other smell that can trigger a memory of the passed loved one. It can cause a sense of comfort, and it can trigger grief as well. If the smell is associated with a loved one, take it as a sign of love and message of peace. They are still around and want you to know it. 

2: Electrical Anomalies 
One of the most common yet overlooked attempts at contact is that of electrical anomalies. Imagine you are sitting in your kitchen, grieving over your loved one with a cup of tea. You noticed the lights flickering overhead. Some think nothing of it, others realize that they are not alone. 

In other cases, it is the radio that switches stations and their favorite song starts to play. The television may turn on or off or change channels to their favorite show. All of these are not just coincidences. These are the signs that a loved one is still around, and they are trying to get your attention. 

3. The Contact
This may seem fairly obvious, but not everyone recognizes this particular sign. Sometimes grief blinds us and clouds our judgement. And sometimes, it happens when we least expect it. The tap on the shoulder, the gentle warmth of a hand on the back, the whisper in the ear. And when we turn to see who is reaching out affectionately, we see no one. Not a soul in sight. Who was it that requested our attention so physically? 

It may not surprise you, but spirits can reach out and touch you. They can also call out your name. I, personally, have felt the hot air of my sister’s breathe on my ear as she whispered my name six years after her death. I recognized her voice. When I turned to see her, she was gone. Remember, it is an act of love, not fear they are trying to convey. 

4. Environmental Changes
The air around you suddenly shifts, but there is not a window open. The temperature of the room you currently inhabit noticeably changes, going either colder or warmer in an instant. Normally, these temperature changes are isolated to small pockets in the room. The sensation of love and comfort surrounds you, yet there is no one in sight to make you feel this way. 

Suddenly, you find yourself recognizing you are not alone. Spirits have the ability to change the environment around the people they are trying to communicate with. This is a simple way for them to make themselves known. 

5. The Dream
A common form of communication from the deceased is through dream visitations. The way these visitations occur vary from experience to experience. When a spirit is communicating this way, the words are very important. In them, they convey the message they want you to hear. 

Sometimes, they are just there in the dream. No message, just love. No words, but their presence can be so comforting in your time of grief. Know that they are with you during these visitations and bask in their presence. Sometimes, just sitting with a person who we love is the best form of therapy. 
Spirits do not return to their loved ones to inflict fear or pain. They want to communicate with you as much as you want to communicate with them. I realize that it can be unnerving when any of the above occur, but rest assured, love continues onto the next life. Love never dies the way the body does.
Our spirits continue to heal, grieve, mourn, love, grow, and mature. We are an ever-evolving energy that continually changes through transitional phases of our existence. 

Bonus: Rare Hints of a Presence
My decision to add a bonus to this list of five is based on the fact that spirits have their own way of communication. Some less prevalent than the normal common exchange. In some cases, coins are left for the living to find. Shiny pennies and dimes are commonly found around your home, or when you are out and about. Small belonging being moved and misplaced. Have you ever put your wallet down in your home, went to grab it and found it missing? After a frantic search of the surrounding areas, you find it placed in the location you left it in or stashed in a completely different spot. Spirits that have the joker type mentality in life, will still be pranksters in death. Take it as a sign that they are with you and try to laugh at their hijinks. 

It’s all done with love. 

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