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Psychic Leota x3587

Psychic Leota x3587

Spilling the Spiritual T


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Mini Reading

  • Total Readings
  • 36,489 since January 2020
  • Specialties: Clairsentient, Love Psychic, Career Psychic, Intuitive/Empath, Pet Psychic
  • Tools: Tarot, Angel Cards, Can Read Without Tools, Astrology, Crystals
  • Reading Style: Expressive

Customer Endorsements Beta

  • Career & Finances - 303
  • Life, Destiny & Meaning - 267
  • Loss & Grieving - 126
  • Love, Relationships & Family - 893

More About Leota

Years of Experience: 23

Hello and welcome, seekers of insight and illumination. I go by Leota, and for 22 years, I've had the privilege of being a guiding light on the path of wisdom. With abilities that span clairsentience, claircognizance, water/mirror scrying, dream interpretation, past life insight, and basic energy work, I offer a multifaceted approach to guide you through life's twists and turns.

My journey has cultivated specialties in areas ranging from Career & Finances to Life Destiny & Meaning, from Loss & Grieving to Love Relationships & Family dynamics. Spirit Guides have been a cherished part of my journey, acting as conduits for wisdom and guidance. My toolkit includes the powerful resonance of Tarot, Oracle cards, and Crystals, though I'm equally adept at working without tools if you wish.

Why do I work as an advisor, you ask? It's simple: I believe it's my calling. There's a profound joy that comes from harnessing the unique gifts I've been blessed with to help others claim the love, happiness, and success that inherently belong to them. Guiding you toward your highest potential, like unlocking a hidden treasure trove, is my passion and purpose.

What should you expect from a reading with me? It's about clarity, guidance, and empowerment. In the tapestry of uncertainty, my insights act as a thread of light, illuminating the path ahead. But I don't merely offer information—I empower you to walk the path with renewed confidence, each step informed by the wisdom we uncover together.

Friendly, genuine, and fun are words that paint a picture of my personality. The journey of discovery need not be solemn—it can be uplifting and even enjoyable. Expressive, compassionate, and direct—these words encapsulate my reading style. Each session is a heartfelt conversation that combines intuition and insight, all delivered with a genuine care for your journey.

What sets me apart is not just the mastery of my abilities, but also the genuine connection I forge with each client. We embark on this journey together, and your progress and growth are as important to me as they are to you.

As we navigate life's intricate dance together, know that my approach is deeply conversational and relatable. I'm not just an advisor; I'm a supportive companion, walking alongside you as you uncover the gems of wisdom and the empowerment that lie within. With each session, my commitment is to guide you not only with clarity, but also with kindness and a touch of joy.

Words of Wisdom

“We do not “come into” this world; we come out of it, as leaves from a tree. As the ocean “waves,” the universe “peoples.” Every individual is an expression of the whole realm of nature, a unique action of the total universe.” - Alan Watts

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1079 reviews since Jan 2020

Featured Review MashAl 2/28/2022 stars Chat Reading

I have never reviewed anyone right away and I am very difficult to please. Every single word Leota said is spot on. In the midst of my emotional chaos, she was the only one on here and elsewhere who got the incredibly complex situation right and put a smile on my face. Thank you

DibiNam 7/26/2024 stars Chat Reading

Michelle 0 7/24/2024 stars Chat Reading

Very compassionate, good reading, thank you

awonder 7/23/2024 stars Phone Reading

always amazing!!

cdaka61217 7/22/2024 stars Chat Reading

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