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Customer SunnyL1920 Ratings & Reviews

9 Reviews

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customer(s) found the following review helpful

Psychic Gabrielle x3503 stars Chat Reading

She has been very consistent, kind and accurate!! She types fast and does not waste your time. She is definitely one of my favorites!!!


Psychic Mabel x3644 stars Phone Reading

Mabel is sweet and easy to talk to. She is also accurate and consistent. She was spot on with my POI. Hoping her predictions come to pass.


Psychic Gabrielle x3503 stars Chat Reading

Gabrielle has been extremely consistent with her readings!! She is also accurate. Easy to talk to and responds quickly when texting. Would definitely Italy recommend.


Psychic Nisa x4865 stars Chat Reading

Nisa is excellent!!!


Psychic Adriana x4943 stars Chat Reading

She was sweet, detailed, and accurate!! I would definitely recommend!!


Psychic MaryJane x3638 stars Phone Reading

Her energy was infectious!! She was also very accurate without me saying a word. She confirmed what she was sensing with her tarot cards. Amazing!! Waiting on her predictions. I will update. I’d definitely use her again.


Psychic Janax x7750 stars Phone Reading

She was accurate and kind. Looking forward to her precisions coming true!!


Psychic Sonata x7581 stars Chat Reading

She knew why I was calling before I said anything. She was very accurate with my POI and situation. She is amazing!!! I will update as predictions come to pass.


Psychic Faith x9292 stars Chat Reading

She answered several questions before I even asked. She was very accurate and detailed. She was also sweet and understanding. I would highly recommend her!!