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Customer Mschris36 Ratings & Reviews

5 Reviews

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customer(s) found the following review helpful

Psychic Radha x3490 stars Chat Reading

I always enjoy chats with Radha she always helps me understand the importance of meditation and self love I will chat with her again.


customer(s) found the following review helpful

Psychic Dylan x4675 stars Chat Reading

My reading with Dylan was awesome he has helped me find clarity and understanding in my current situation


customer(s) found the following review helpful

Psychic Robbin x9341 stars Phone Reading

Loved talking to Robbin, she made me feel better about my situation with POI. I will talk with her again!


Psychic Nova x3615 stars Chat Reading

I absolutely love chatting with Nova. She always eases my anxiety and is able to pick up on my situation without even having a name of my poi. I will chat with you again Thank you Nova!


Psychic Rachelle x9814 stars Chat Reading

I loved my reading, very positive and encouraging I will be chatting again.