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Six of Cups

Meaning of the Six of Cups Tarot Card

This card often features a little boy and a little girl. They are standing in an area filled with flowers. Each of the six cups holds a bouquet. Oftentimes, one of the children will be handing a flower-filled cup to the other one.

Six of Cups Tarot Card Upright Meaning

This card is filled with innocent joy and generosity. You may be experiencing a wave of nostalgia when this card comes up in a reading. Go ahead and indulge in it; there’s something in those memories that can be helpful to you today. An old friend or lover might be taking a bigger role in your life.

6 of Cups Upright Keywords: innocence, nostalgia, simple joys, childhood, happy memories

Six of Cups Tarot Card Reversed Meaning

When the Six of Cups reversed comes up in a reading, it can indicate you might be stuck in the past. It’s always nice to relive past joys, but remember you have to live in the now. This card may also indicate a tendency to overlook some of the less-than-stellar aspects of the past. You might find that some of the darker aspects of your past are resurfacing and you need to confront them.

6 of Cups Reversed Keywords: living in the past, misplaced nostalgia, denying past hurts, rose-colored glasses